SJWD Customer Service

SJWD Customer Service Representatives are here to help you with all your billing and account needs from 8:30am until 4:30pm, Monday through Friday. If you wish to contact us your request will be answered during normal business hours.

Meter Reading

SJWD Water District currently uses an automated water meter reading system. Our technician drives to your location and collects meter information through a radio transmitter. This system offers a more accurate method for measuring water use and collecting data for customer billing. In addition, it allows SJWD to operate more efficiently, which in turn helps to keep your water cost down. It is important for customers to keep meter boxes clear of debris, mulch, flowers, grass, etc. to allow SJWD employees to quickly find the meters when service is needed. We ask our customers to be extremely careful when working around their meter box. Each radio-read meter costs approximately $150.00. Please avoid parking cars on meters or running lawnmowers over them. Customers will be charged for the repair of meter if it is damaged due to their negligence..

Leak Detection

Check your plumbing fixtures and exposed pipes frequently and listen for the sound of running water or gathering puddles of water. Even small drips from faucets can add up to high water bills over time. Leaks are often hardest to detect in toilets. A quick check can be made by putting two drops of food coloring into the toilet tank. Without flushing, watch the toilet bowl for about 5 minutes. If the food coloring appears in the toilet bowl, you have a leak that should be repaired immediately. This simple test can be performed periodically to detect leaks before they become a problem. If your home will be vacant for an extended period of time, you may want to consider turning off the water valve. Should a plumbing problem occur in your absence, this simple measure could protect your property from damage and high costs associated with a water leak.

Prevent Frozen Pipes

Disconnect all garden hoses and, if practical, use an indoor valve to shut off and drain water pipes leading to outside faucets. Insulate all exposed pipes in crawl spaces and attics since they are susceptible to freezing. Set your thermostat above 55 degrees, even if the home is not occupied during the winter. When severe freezing conditions are forecasted, leave a trickle of water running from the hot and cold faucets if these water lines are located in an outside wall. Seal air leaks in the home that could allow cold air inside where pipes may be located. Open cabinet doors so heat from the room can reach un-insulated pipes under the sink.

If your pipes happen to freeze:

  1. Call a plumber immediately.
  2. If you suspect a frozen pipe has burst, turn off the water at the home’s main shut off valve.
  3. Never try thawing a pipe with a blowtorch or other open flame. Use warm air from a hair dryer.